The 8085 microprocessor is an 8-bit microprocessor developed by Intel in the mid-1970s. It’s one of the foundational processors used in early computing systems and is popular in academic settings for learning about computer architecture. The “8” in its name signifies that it processes 8 bits of data at a time. It has a 16-bit address bus, which allows it to access up to 64KB of memory.

Also See: Green Computing PPT

8085 Microprocessor PPT: Meaning, Features, Architecture

The 8085 operates on a clock speed of 3 MHz and has a basic instruction set for arithmetic, logic, and control operations. It uses a simple architecture with five general-purpose registers, a stack pointer, and a program counter. The microprocessor can interface with external devices through its input/output ports, making it suitable for early embedded systems and control applications. Despite being outdated for modern computing, the 8085 is still widely taught for its simplicity and historical significance in understanding microprocessor fundamentals.

Also See: Digital Image Processing PPT

Table of Content for 8085 Microprocessor PPT

  • —Introduction
  • —Features
  • —Pin Configuration
  • —Architecture 0f 8085
  • —The 8085 Bus Structure
  • —Instruction Set
  • —Addressing Modes
  • —Timing diagrams
  • —Conclusion

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8085 Microprocessor PPT

vijayUncategorizedThe 8085 microprocessor is an 8-bit microprocessor developed by Intel in the mid-1970s. It's one of the foundational processors used in early computing systems and is popular in academic settings for learning about computer architecture. The '8' in its name signifies that it processes 8 bits of data at...Get Jam Topics List