A forest ecosystem is a complex and dynamic community of plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms that interact with one another and their environment. Trees dominate the landscape, providing shelter and food for countless species. The ecosystem includes different layers, such as the canopy (tree tops), understory (shrubs and small trees), and forest floor (soil and decaying matter). These layers support a wide range of life, from birds and insects to mammals like deer and predators like wolves.

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Forest Ecosystem PPT: Meaning, Types, Functions

Forests play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance by absorbing carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen, and regulating the Earth’s climate. They also help in water conservation by absorbing rainfall and reducing soil erosion. However, deforestation and human activities are threatening these ecosystems. Protecting forests is essential not only for preserving biodiversity but also for sustaining the many resources humans rely on, such as timber, medicine, and clean air.

Table of Content for forest ecosystem ppt

  • What Is An Forest Ecosystem
  • Types
  • Component
  • Functions of an ecosystem
  • Conservation of forest
  • The Ten Global Threats to Ecosystem Viability
  • References

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Forest Ecosystem PPT

vijayUncategorizedA forest ecosystem is a complex and dynamic community of plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms that interact with one another and their environment. Trees dominate the landscape, providing shelter and food for countless species. The ecosystem includes different layers, such as the canopy (tree tops), understory (shrubs and small...Get Jam Topics List