Cluster computing is a technology where multiple computers, known as nodes, work together to solve complex problems. These computers are connected in a network and act like a single powerful system. Each node in a cluster does its part of the task, which helps in processing large amounts of data or performing heavy computations much faster than a single computer could. Cluster computing is widely used in research, scientific simulations, and data analysis, where the demand for processing power is high.

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Cluster Computing PPT: Meaning, Working, Architecture

One of the key advantages of cluster computing is its scalability. If more processing power is needed, additional computers can be added to the cluster. It’s also fault-tolerant, meaning if one node fails, others can take over without disrupting the process. Overall, cluster computing is a cost-effective way to increase computing capacity, making it an essential tool for businesses, research institutions, and industries that handle big data or complex calculations.

Also See: Green Computing PPT

Table of Content for Cluster Computing PPT

  • Introduction
  • Cluster Categorization
  • Cluster Component
  • How Does It Work?
  • Cluster Architecture
  • Cluster Benefits
  • Cluster Features
  • Cluster Application
  • Limitations
  • Conclusion

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Cluster Computing PPT

vijayUncategorizedCluster computing is a technology where multiple computers, known as nodes, work together to solve complex problems. These computers are connected in a network and act like a single powerful system. Each node in a cluster does its part of the task, which helps in processing large amounts of...Get Jam Topics List