Space robotics involves the development and use of robots to assist in space exploration and missions. These robots are designed to operate in extreme conditions, such as the vacuum of space, harsh temperatures, and low gravity. They perform tasks like repairing spacecraft, exploring distant planets, collecting samples, and even assembling structures in space.

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Space Robotics PPT: Meaning, Structure, Operations

Space robots, like the Mars rovers, help scientists explore areas that are too dangerous or difficult for humans to reach. As technology advances, space robotics plays an increasingly important role in future missions, including potential human colonization of the moon, Mars, and beyond.

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Table of Content for Space Robotics PPT

  • —Introduction  
  • —What is Space Robotics?
  • —Space Robot-Challenges in Design and Testing
  • —System Verification and Testing
  • —Structure of Space Robots
  • —Operation
  • —Conclusion

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Space Robotics PPT

vijayUncategorizedSpace robotics involves the development and use of robots to assist in space exploration and missions. These robots are designed to operate in extreme conditions, such as the vacuum of space, harsh temperatures, and low gravity. They perform tasks like repairing spacecraft, exploring distant planets, collecting samples, and even...Get Jam Topics List