Networks come in various types based on size, purpose, and coverage area. The most common types include Local Area Network (LAN), which connects devices within a small area like an office or home. LAN is fast and secure, commonly used for sharing files and printers among nearby devices. Wide Area Network (WAN) covers larger areas, connecting devices across cities or even countries; the internet is the largest example of a WAN, enabling global communication.

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Types of Network PPT: LAN, MAN, PAN, WAN

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN, typically spanning a city or large campus, often used by businesses or governments for regional connections. Personal Area Network (PAN) is a small network that connects devices within a few meters, like linking your phone to a Bluetooth speaker.

Table of Content for Types of Network PPT

  • Introduction
  • Types Of Network
    • LAN
    • MAN
    • WAN
    • PAN
  • Conclusion

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Types of Network PPT

vijayUncategorizedNetworks come in various types based on size, purpose, and coverage area. The most common types include Local Area Network (LAN), which connects devices within a small area like an office or home. LAN is fast and secure, commonly used for sharing files and printers among nearby devices. Wide...Get Jam Topics List